Shaking it up


Sara Hänzi


December 29, 2024

In my career as a lindy hopper, I have listened to many fantastic bands. However, I have often wondered why so many of the bands have maximally one women (the singer) on stage. This is why it is so refreshing to watch the Shake em up Jazz Band: all women!

Their first album is probably my favourite, most likely just because I have listened to it most often:

If you are a DJ at a dance event and want a challenge for the dancers, then “Les Oignons” is the song to play, you’ll hear why:

I also like their other albums, with A woman’s place you can hear and learn about female composers and lyricists as well.

I’ll top it off with a fun video, showing true professionals can get drinks for the band while the others play, and pick up their instrument just half a second before the chorus starts:

Artists mentioned

Shake em up Jazz Band: Website, Bandcamp